Every now and then we all have cravings for supper don't we? And as much as we know we have to watch our expanding waistline.... well sometimes we just don't care! And so yesterday, ventured to one of my favourite places for supper... Seng Kee Black Chicken Herbal Soup!

This place operates from evening onwards til the wee hours in the morning. It's quite popular and can get very crowded during dinner time. It can be crowded during supper time too! Well luckily every time we go for supper there's always a seat vacant. Anyways, they sell all your regular "zhi char" stuff like sambal kangkong, hotplate beef, hotplate tofu etc. Haven't really tried those stuff though. I'm always here just for the pig organ mee sua!
Actually took a couple of bites before I took this pic, so you can't really see what's in it. Basically it's full of yummy ingredients like pork liver, kidney and meat. The broth is rich and tasty, just throw in a few slices of chili for some "oomph"! For some reason their chili is like really hot, but that's just the way I like it. Most of my friends who have eaten this with me always complain that the chili is too hot for their liking. So just take note in case you bite a piece of chili and start begging for water. Anyway it's like one of the best kinda suppers you can have in my opinion. Especially when you're kinda sick of prata or nasi goreng. It's my kind of comfort food man! Accompanied with my favourite ah pek drink of "diao yu" a.k.a chinese tea, longan luo han guo or botak coconut just makes my day. =D Did I mention its damn shiok on cold or rainy days too?
Seng Kee Black Chicken Herbal Soup is located along changi road, just after "The Trumps" Condo and opposite the shell petrol station. A bowl of mee sua costs $3.50, which is pretty good value to me! Now the hunt for more good places to eat supper.....
agree with you that the mea sua is damn good. Do you know that they originated from a hawker stall at Bedok North (can't recall the block no), and the original stall is still there, though it does not have that wide a variety of dishes.
hey man yeah its prolly one of the best mee sua I've eaten so far. I only discovered this place like last year, didnt know where they originated from. Haha maybe shall snoop ard bedok north area to see if i can find the original stall. Hopefully it'll be just as good or even better! Thanks for the info!
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