Monday, September 29, 2008

Kimchi Jjigae

Now that we have made kimchi, we can use it to make kimchi jjigae or kimchi soup. I forgot to take pictures of the kimchi jjigae i made, but heres the recipe I tried. Proportions are based on single serves so just multiply accordingly.

Approx 1 cup of kimchi
1/2 tbsp of gochujang (korean chilli paste)
1 to 1 1/2 cup water
Meat (beef or pork or chicken)
vegetables like onion and leek
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp of chicken stock (my korean friends use this korean beef seasoning I'm not sure what its called)
A little bit of sugar if you like (my korean friends sometimes use coke or sprite instead)

1. Fry garlic and meat till meat is turning brown.

2. Add in veg and kimchi and continue frying. Add in gochujang when veg has slightly softened.

3. add in water, stir and taste. The soup should be on the sourish side, you can add in the chicken stock and sugar to balance out the taste. If you want it more spicy, add in some chilli flakes or chilli powder. As long as it tastes good to you thats fine, do your own fine tuning if you like.

4. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat to allow it to simmer. I like the veg to be soft so I normally cook it quite long. Throw in the tofu at the end, allowing it to cook for a few minutes before removing from the stove.

And there you have your kimchi jjigae! Serve it with rice, or you can cook noodles and throw it in.

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