Friday, May 16, 2008

Turtle House Seafood Restaurant

After ice cream at ice cream chefs, Terence and I proceeded to Guillemard road for dinner at Turtle House Seafood Restaurant.

As the sign board states, it's a turtle soup shop! And I've been craving for turtle for a while now. Many previous attempts made to go to my favourite turtle soup restaurant at Tai Thong Cresent have failed so since there was this chance to eat turtle, though not at my favourite place, I grabbed it immediately!

Both Terence and I have never been here before. Essentially it's a zhi char restaurant that specializes in exotic meats like turtle and crocodile. You can still get your normal stuff like fu yong omelet, hotplate tofu etc. But as the sign puts, "Turtle House", so should eat the turtle soup right? Wah they have many different variations of their turtle soup man. You can get everything from just the meat and cartilage to the intestines/offals and turtle eggs etc. I think the most expensive turtle dish is like $60! Probably includes everything inside though. We just settled on the cheapest fare though, didn't wanna break the bank on one meal.

Lo and behold!~ After a short wait the turtle soup came! Shared a bowl of rice because we were contemplating on having supper later. Soup was piping hot when served. Took a taste before deciding to add some wine into the soup. The soup was not bad, but doesn't have much herbs taste. Also, it has quite a strong turtle smell/taste to it. Maybe they didn't clean or prepare it very well. Wasn't overawed by the meal but it was decent I guess.

Well everything was still devoured and you couldn't find a single drop of soup left in the bowl. I like soups. =) The meal set us back almost $40 cause each bowl of soup was like $14, plus a plate of veg, drinks, wet towels and rice. Not the best I've had but if you want a quick decent turtle fix later in the night I guess this is one of the places to go. A bit more pricey than most other turtle places though. It opens til midnight everyday.

Turtle House Seafood Restaurant
403 Guillemard Road (off Lor 36)
Opening hrs: 1130-0000

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