Monday, May 26, 2008

Olive Rice

Ok its been a long time since I last posted about something I've cooked. So today I shall share with everyone my mom's olive rice recipe. Its a really simple recipe that is cooked in a flash. A great one meal dish, especially if you're having friends over and don't have enough time to prepare elaborate dishes. Here's what you need:


2 cups of rice
10 cloves garlic, minced (you can add more if you like)
1 tbsp oil
300g minced pork (can use chicken but pork tastes nicer)
2 slightly heaped tbsp preserved olive vegetables

1/2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp sugar
pepper to taste
1 tbsp oyster sauce

roasted cashew nuts
chilli padi, sliced

For those wonder what is preserved olive vegetables, here's a picture:

I'm not sure what it's chinese name is, I just know it as preserved olive vegetables.

First, cook the rice in an electric rice cooker. Use slightly less water than normal.

Heat oil in a wok. Fry garlic till lightly brown. Add in meat and preserved olive vegetables and fry till meat is almost cooked. Add in the ingredients listed in A and stir-fry until meat is cooked.

Add the ingredients to the cooked rice.

Mix the ingredients with the rice.

Make sure the ingredients and rice are thoroughly mixed.

Serve and garnish with ingredients list in B. (I didn't have roasted cashews today so couldn't use it to garnish, and I ran out of chilli padi so had to use normal chilli)

There you have it, a really simple dish to make which is guaranteed to be tasty and yummy. Easy to make, even for people who seldom cook. You can make it in advance and just leave in the rice cooker to keep warm.

Recipe serves 4 people

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