If you ever visit Melbourne, make sure you pop by Koko Black. It's first shop opened in 2003, and since then they have opened another 6 more shops I reckon, mostly in Victoria. Anyway, I'm not much of a chocolate person, chocolates are things I can do without as I don't get those chocolate cravings. I don't mind eating them, but I don't necessarily need them and won't kill for them. But this is a bit different. After this I will never look at hot chocolate the same way again!

After finishing my school term I was in Melbourne for a month and a half. My brother told me about Koko Black insisted that I have to try it, so my friend Cow brought me there for my virgin experience. I reckon I visited Koko Black at least 5 times if not more. I guess that's how good it is? The first time I tasted their hot chocolate my eyes suddenly lit up! There is definitely something different about it. The rich taste that tickles your taste buds and palette is just amazing! It's not too sweet either and doesn't make you feel too thirsty after drinking it unlike some other chocolate drinks. It was simply divine so to speak. It certainly is great on cold days like many of the days I spent in Melbourne. Why is it so cold in summer?? Doesn't make sense! The ice chocolate is also another hit. Think hot chocolate plus a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of chocolate ice cream with chocolate shavings on top. It's equally good I tell you. If you have two people you can get the combo, forgot what it's called but it includes 2 hot chocolate plus a chocolate platter which consists of chocolate ice cream, chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, chocolates and chocolate short bread(or something like that). Prices for drinks are about the same as how much you would pay for a frappe at Starbucks or Coffee Bean. Ah this place really is to die for, so remember to visit it when you go to Melbourne!
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